
Montana United Methodist Church

539 Montana Rd.

Phillipsburg, NJ 08865

This Sunday’s Church and Teleconference Service

Sunday February `16, 2025


This Week’s Bulletin

For Communion Sunday’s
(2nd Sunday of each month)


Pastor Larry Durfee


Our cornerstone was laid on March 21, 1891 and the Montana Methodist Episcopal Church was incorporated May 19, 1891. The first wedding held in the Sanctuary was on January 16, 1938, when Florence Duckworth and Theodore Schanzlin were married.   The Church has its roots in the surrounding area hosting two Hunters Lunches each year.

As a support church, we work with the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) of Warren County NJ (aka Family Promise of Warren County) to deliver food to their clients. We support the Visiting Homemakers Service of Warren County NJ to deliver food to their homebound clients as well.

Family Promise (IHN) of Warren County NJ

Visiting Homemakers of Warren County NJ

Visit the Evangelist Ray Gibbs website